Monday, May 2, 2011

May 2011 Horoscope

The month begins on a high note. On the 1st, your ruling planet Mars unites with lucky Jupiter in Aries. Passion and confidence are strong. The influence is generally favorable, but watch out for recklessness or arrogance. At the Taurus New Moon on the 3rd, commit to increasing prosperity. Over the next month, take steady steps toward building more financial security. On the 11th, Mars moves from fiery Aries to earthy Taurus. After all the excitement, you're ready to slow your pace and take more time to appreciate sensual pleasures. That same day, romantic Venus and mental Mercury both unite with Jupiter in Aries. Your personality is magnetic. It's easier than usual to express your desires in a way that others can hear. The 12th could be a magical day. Mars harmonizes with mystical Neptune, opening up inspiring possibilities. Your intuition is strong -- pay attention to dreams and subtle feelings. The passionate Full Moon in Scorpio on the 17th brings deep feelings into awareness. You long to get closer with your partner, but may need to clear the air first. On the 20th, take powerful, concrete steps toward long-term goals. You'll have the stamina to follow through on putting big ideas into action. Mars unites with love planet Venus on the 23rd. Sensuality and passion are high and you're ready to make your move. Just beware of being impulsive with finances. Creative thinking is rewarded on the 25th. Share your unique perspective and innovative ideas.

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