Thursday, February 23, 2012


12 PM

2. I watched the entire "show" of 2 jets shortly after my arrival around noon. This is the first sight I noticed, until the they circled around and came back to the starting point, all the while turning off the trail in mid flight, waiting a bit until starting it again. At this time a cop was making his rounds, circling in the parking lot. That is pretty well done. The fliers circled around and returned, leaving crap trails in their wake. When all their hard work was done, there was pretty much a nearly completed huge circle, with breaks in the formation intermittedly where you could see that they took a break from their crimes against humanity for a bit. Maybe they confused humans with ditch guppies, and forgot that the human brain can remember more than 10 seconds and has an unusual knack for noticing patterns (so it /has been said) This photo is about 10-15 minutes into the spectacular wonder show, with the first jet returning to the starting area.

30 minutes later. Sensibility and logic makes it almost common knowledge that normal contrails disappear within minutes. I am standing in a large parking lot dedicated to a GM/chemical/additive laden 'food' store. This could in reality be a sci-fi setting, do I need a gas mask in this environment? :P

Last photo was taken almost an hour later. As you can see, the originally photographed formation is on the left of similar looking work. Hmm, working double time today, I suppose. I wish I could have gotten a view of behind me but it was thick with haze which is what the spray trails look like after dispersing.... let me guess- on the radio weather : "cloudy" days, today. Very possible sighting of the newly unleashed unmanned drone, also, shortly after, it sure as hell looked exactly like it, or maybe it was the metal toxicity hitting my brain with the quickness, socially accepted poison. please leave comments and what not if you want, i feel strange and alienated putting these up. Also a while later multiple white trails were sprayed straight across the sky, as pretty soon the respectable, honorable work of geo engineering was completed for the day.

Update: They were at it again-today 2/23 pretty much all morning.

Barium and Aluminum Found in Florida Rainwater