Friday, June 17, 2011

Preying upon fear to gain greater power... again.

This shit is rediculous... If you haven't been clued in, here's some information.

My thoughts:
shut down parts or all of the internet should "a cyber attack capable of causing massive damage or loss of life” occur.
W...t....f? U won't die if someone hacks your ebay..... get real.

the only fear u should feel is from these goons trying to stomp your last liberties into the ground. this just pisses me off for some reason..

I mean that's what it looks like to me.. Fear of sickness=Vaccines. Fear of others=Terrorists are created. Consumerism=GMO. Indifference=Poisoned by formaldehyde, arsenic, and aluminum. STOP FUELING THIS DEATH TRAIN!!!!! Love/life/liberties>Police state/surveillance state/fascism. and by life I mean being content with existing life,, for every baby born another person is poisoned in a FEMA camp...

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