Tuesday, April 26, 2011


The global elites have truly undone themselves. The world could have gone on forever believing that debt, issued on the back of gold (for example), was a legitimate form of currency. But the push by humanity for more opportunity, marrying the usurers' instinct to produce ever more debt, gave us the notion of fiat currencies; money based on nothing but the faith of those who use them. This extraordinary socio-evolutionary leap has, sadly, gone largely unrecognised; but we can be the first to reveal it for what it truly was.
Money can be, and is, nothing more than a social construct; it does not need to be borrowed into existence and is a medium through which we can express our true social values; values of fairness and decency. Today, we have elite usurers enslaving entire nations, poverty/destitution en masse, bitter social divisions as the suffering many pass blame amongst themselves and an entire corporate system devoted to abusing our bodies and our minds for its own survival. These are not the values of the many, they are the values of the few.

This is it. This is the revolution. It's not politics, it's not accounting, it's the very basic nature of money itself. Let us be the first to understand this extraordinary tool; let us create an entirely new paradigm and justly put an end to needless human suffering everywhere on Earth. Peace, Movement for Economic Sustainability (Global)

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