Thursday, September 15, 2011

Singing out Peace

Be grateful when approval is expressed to you and be mindful of how you receive it. Let it in fully, but remember to express thanks and acceptance. Don't let compliments, even small ones, fall to the wayside or be ignored. Appreciation, and recognition will always make a relationship better. Your heart is opening wider with every breath. This will happen naturally, but it will help to keep a clear focus on inner joy. This is a time do things you truly love doing, Do what makes your heart sing. If you seek approval from someone special it may open you up to manipulation and negative external forces. Be wary of placing too high a value on the approval of others. Instead,value inner resolve.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Flex Your Rights

Did you know that if you sue for false arrest (or false imprisonment), the arrest is presumed to be false?

Did you know that all you need to prove is that the arrest occurred, and then the burden is on the officer to prove that it wasn’t false?

Did you know that for an imprisonment, all you need is to show that you were "restrained of your liberty by words and acts which you feared to disregard"?

Did you know that a car stop counts as an arrest and an imprisonment?

Did you know that if an officer says he has a warrant for your arrest, you can demand to see the warrant AND the supporting affidavit, and if he arrests you without producing them, it’s a false arrest?

Did you know that the police routinely ignore and violate this law?

Did you know that "sovereign immunity" only covers "discretionary" acts (where the officer has a choice about what to do) but does not cover "ministerial" acts such as executing an arrest warrant?

Do you understand that an officer is personally liable for any misdeeds during a warrant arrest?

Did you know that sovereign immunity does not cover an officer AT ALL if he breaks the law?

Did you know that many court documents are "signed" with a rubber stamp?

Did you know that many clerks and attorneys have these stamps with a judge’s signature?
How do you know the warrant wasn’t stamped by a clerk or attorney?
How can a rubber-stamp signature on a warrant POSSIBLY be legal?

Did you know that you can ask an officer for his business card and ID, and if he doesn’t comply, he’s out of uniform?

Did you know you have the right to resist a false arrest with as much force as necessary?

Did you know that if an officer misbehaves, you can complain to Risk Management?
Did you know that the Federal Pure Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act (that set up the FDA) makes it illegal for anyone but a licensed physician to operate a breathalyzer?

Did you know that if an officer asks you a question, you have the right to ignore him and keep walking?


Are you a "Special Agent" ?

Are there any "General Agents" in the FBI?

When you tell me you are a "Special Agent," are you telling me that you have only specific, limited authority, and that I am responsible for finding out what the limits to your authority are? Am I responsible for making sure you stay within the limits of your authority, even if you are unaware of what those limits are? Please show me documentation of your authority. Is it true that the authority of an FBI agent is the same as the authority of a Park Ranger?

Did you swear an "Oath of Office" ?

Please show me a copy of it. If you violate your Oath of Office, what are the consequences to you? How are those consequences enforced? Do I have to complain to your superiors, or sue you, or what? What is the name of your superior? What is your badge number? Are you authorized to use an alias? How can I serve process on you if I don't know your real name?

When you took office, did you file a bond? Is there any liability insurance to cover damage that you cause while on duty?

Please show me a copy of the insurance policy.

Are you here on campus as an "invitee" or as a "licensee" ? How does that affect the liability of the Trustees if you are injured while here? How does that affect the liability of the Trustees if you cause damage? Which program are you here under: Applicant, Civil Rights, Counterterrorism, Financial Crime, Foreign Counterintelligence, Organized Crime/Drug, or Violent Crimes and Major Offenders?

Is it true that if you arrest me, and I sue you for false arrest (also false imprisonment, assault, battery, and kidnapping), the only thing I need to prove is that an arrest occurred, and then the burden is on you to show that it wasn't false? Would I sue you in State or Federal court? Why? Is it true that "imprisonment" includes "restraining me of my liberty by words and acts which I fear to disregard" ? Is it true that you can conduct a warrantless arrest only if you witness a felony or a breach of the peace, the same as any citizen? Please show me documentation of any other powers of arrest.

What is the Constitutional authority for the FBI to exist? Is it true that the "police power" means the power to protect the health, safety, morals, and welfare of the public? Is it true that the police powers are reserved to the States under the 10th Amendment? How can you call yourself "law enforcement" if you're not exercising the police power? Is it true that the only Federal crimes (under Article I of the Constitution) are counterfeiting, piracy and treason? If you're not exercising police powers, and you're not a standing army, then what are you?

Is it true that Congress technically ceased to exist during the Civil War, by adjourning "sine die" ("without day")? Is this the reason that Congress has not used the Constitutionally mandated procedure for admitting any States to the Union since 1859?

Is this the reason Senators and Representatives are not actually sworn in during "swearing-in" ceremonies? Is this the reason the President calls the Congress into session every two years? Why two years? Is it because the salaries of Congress fall under the two-year limit on military appropriations?

Are there geographical limits to your authority? Please show me documentation of those limits. Are you authorized to operate in one of the 10 Federal "Regions" ? What is the Constitutional authority for the Nixon-era creation of those "Regions" ? How can the Federal government create "Regions" if it is forbidden to create States? Was it done through emergency or martial-law powers? Isn't "Region" a military word?

Do you have any reason to believe that any of us are engaging in interstate commerce?

Do you know that any mention of the “interstate commerce clause” in any court, by the Prosecution or the Plaintiff, brings the Constitution into evidence and I am free to use it OR object on the grounds that the Constitution has not been entered into evidence.

Do you know Lon Horiuchi, who shot Vicki Weaver while she was holding a baby in her arms (in the infamous Ruby Ridge incident), all over a shotgun that was a quarter of an inch too short? Do you know the agent who shot 14-year-old Sammy Weaver in the back as he tried to run home?

Did you have any part in the Waco massacre (in which the FBI used CS gas and its flammable propellant, in a surprise attack with no element of surprise)? Isn't CS gas illegal to use in war? Did you help destroy evidence from Waco? Is it true that the U.S. Marshals Service falsely claimed a possible drug problem with the Weavers at Ruby Ridge in order to get military reconnaissance flights over the cabin? (and the "hot spot" from the alleged drug lab turned out to be a doghouse?) And that the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms invented a phony drug nexus at Waco in order to obtain massive assistance from the U.S. Army, the Texas National Guard, and the Alabama National Guard? Is it true that civilian agencies routinely obtain free military support by lying about drugs, and because there is no sanction for lying, obvious falsehoods are accepted by the military as a pretext for intervention? Is it true that the infamous FBI Hostage Rescue Team has spent considerable time in recent years holding hostages and has not even attempted to rescue a hostage for several years? Why are there 56 FBI SWAT teams and what's that got to do with investigation?

Is it true that almost the entire Waco operation, not only 2/28 but the siege, had been improperly financed from money that law enforcement was supposed to use only in the war on drugs?

Have you had any military training? Are you connected in any way to military intelligence? How come you're not covered by the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which was passed to outlaw the use of federal troops for civilian law enforcement and which made it a felony to willfully use "any part of the Army . . . to execute the laws" ?

Is it true that during the 1930s J. Edgar Hoover, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, falsely told the American people that an unprecedented wave of child kidnappings was in progress, and the FBI was rewarded with substantial attention and funding, and in the 1980s a very different FBI earned itself more funding by putting out phony claims about a wave of serial killers of children?

Is it really a federal crime to transport artificial teeth into a state without the approval of a local licensed dentist, with penalty of up to one year in prison? Is this the sort of thing we pay the FBI to investigate?

Is it true that the federal courts have virtually taken over such vital state functions as the operation of prisons and mental hospitals? And that by 1993, the federal courts operated 80 percent of all state prison systems in America? Is it true that federal judges determine virtually every detail of these prisons, including standards for food and clothing, grievance procedures, and cell space per convict? Is it true that these prisons are run by private corporations for profit?


Did you know that the FDIC doesn't really insure bank accounts?

Did you know that when a bank goes under and is taken over by the FDIC, instead of paying the $100,000, the FDIC just pays its own people to come into the bank and divvy up what's left of the bank's assets? (This comes from a woman who once worked as a temp for the FDIC. Her job was to talk on the phone to the angry depositors and explain this to them.)

Did you know that a bank cannot legally require a fingerprint as a condition of cashing a check?
According to UCC 3-501(b)(2), they can only require you to:
Exhibit the instrument (i.e. you show them the check)
Give reasonable identification, and evidence of your authority if you are cashing the check on behalf of someone else
Sign the check, and make a written receipt for partial payment, or the surrender of the check upon full payment (i.e. you let them keep the check)
They write the brochures to say that they "ask" for a fingerprint (not "demand" as a condition of payment). Their excuse for the fingerprint is "reasonable identification." So if you can get them to agree that your picture ID is reasonable identification, they have NO LAWFUL EXCUSE for refusing to pay the check just because you don't give them a fingerprint! In this case they have "dishonored" the check and you can proceed exactly as you would if they blatantly, and for no reason, refused to pay. Contact us for ideas on how to use the fingerprint issue.

Did you know that if you write “Without Recourse” below your endorsement or signature that the bank can not take any action against you for any reason!

Did you know that banks do not loan their own assets, nor the assets of their depositors?
Do you realize this means they do NOT loan money, but instead, there is an exchange of credit for credit, in which interest is charged on one side, but not the other?
If the borrower walks away with cash (which has value in the form of "purchasing power"), but the bank didn't loan any of its assets, isn't it obvious that the "purchasing power" must have come from SOMEWHERE?

Did you know that when a bank makes a "loan," the money supply (M1) expands -- in other words, the volume of currency in circulation increases?

Did you know that the value of the Federal Reserve Note "dollar" depends on the size of the money supply via the law of "supply and demand" -- in other words, the more FRNs there are, the less they are worth?

Do you understand that when the bank makes a loan, the value of the FRN "dollar bills" in everybody's pocket declines -- in other words, the bank is creating FRN dollars in competition with the FRN "dollars" in your pocket, and this reduces the value of the FRN "dollars" in your pocket? Do you realize this is the cause of inflation?

Do you realize that this means the "value," or "purchasing power," loaned by the bank is essentially STOLEN from the public via the mechanism of inflation? Contact us for ideas on how to use the "Theft by Inflation" issue

1. Always Pursue Truth - unless something better comes along.
2.  There is No Deception so great as-- Self-deception, see # 1.


♥ ♥.¸¸.•´¯`»✿◕ “Ethics are complete, profound and alive only when addressed to all living beings. Only then are we in spiritual connection with the world. Any philosophy not representing this, not based on the indefinite totality of life, is bound to disappear.”——Albert Schweitzer

Friday, August 5, 2011

Facebook FAQ

Why don't you have many photos of yourself?
I have more thoughts on my mind and wish to spend my energy working or delving into social issues, I'm sorry this is not a high priority for me.

Why do you delete your status's, delete your comments on others' pages, or not post?
Someone always talks shit, and that's the last thing on earth I want to spend my time reading.

Hopefully I answered your questions. Have a good day!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Marie came to me because I always have been vigilant and seen how bullies tear their victims apart sometimes. It hurts to see, and I never understood how it goes on so often. As a child, other kids were mean to me, but nothing serious. Marie's abuse is not shown in the story, but it is a higher level of abuse than I never hope any child should have to go through. 

Marie stands and watches the other children play. Legs kicking swings higher into the air, bright smiles and laughter. A single leaf drifts slowly down and distant thunder is heard in the distance. She fades away.

Clouds of dust mark the school bus's arrival. Eleice runs to the door, full of questions about Marie's school day. Big sisters try to protect. Big sisters try to be role models. Big sisters turn a blind eye to abuse.

"Did you have a good day, Marie?"

Stooped down to eye level, Eleice tries on her kindest big sister smile. Marie turns her back, silently trods down the dark hallway. The beatings continue. Her spirit is turning gray. She cries, hungry, and no one comes to comfort her. She rubs her bruised skin, an old habit, and tries to escape into the night.

Days pass, seasons pass, but life stays the same. She is tired now, tries to stand up straight but can't anymore. Fragments of memory flit through her mind like wild butterflies. She sees the hand, not the face, coming down again. Hears the harsh words. She squeezes her eyes shut tighter. It never ends. At school she hears them talk.

"She's so different."

"I hate her."

"Why don't you smile, Marieeee?"

Syllables drawn out into a nasty mockery. She cannot explain or voice the pain inside, and if they could see it, they would scream.

Home is not home but a place she is dragged back to, needs for survival. Years pass and she is older now, boys are attracted to her. They make things worse. It is the same hand, the same voice, but different people wield it against her, even though by now she has learned that the past is the past. Sitting in a room with a brightly painted cartoon dog on the wall, they peer at her like a specimen. They write notes. It's all a game to them. Questions, so many questions, until she puts her head in her arms and curls into a tight ball. They whisper about her now, she can hear the mock pity in their voices, the scritch-scratch of pens on paper, writing more observations. Then the doors open and she is free until next Saturday. Eleice doesn't smile at her now, she looks down with what looks like pity. She whispers about Marie, too, when she thinks she isn't listening.

One day it is too much. She is too tired and knows what lies ahead. She knows. Wearily yet determined she pulls the noose tight around her neck. Bends her head in a last wish, and goes.

They whisper still, yet not as much as before.

"She was troubled."

"She didn't want to live."

Marie still listens, although lacking her sight, it is still the same to her. It's how life was before. The tunnels are dark, so dark, and she calls it home. She is free like the wind, the birds sing their greetings to her, the moon is her night light. She smiles, finally, and fades away.

Monday, July 11, 2011

End Human Subject Experimentation by DOD/Intel and Law Enforcement in the US

End Human SubjectExperimentation by DOD/Intel and Law Enforcement in the US
UPDATE: PETITION WITHDRAWN DUE TO this petition is closed, reason: Petitioner frightened to post. Ongoing harassment/threats. Petition is withdrawn

Illegal surveillance technologies, labelled "influence technologies", "crowd control", "behaviour modification" technologies are illegally used daily by US federal and state agencies, for "attitude adjustment" purposes, "law enforcement training purposes".  Illegal scanning devices (such as those used at airports) are tested and used on persons and their effects, in direct violation of US and International laws.  These weapons are used illegally to "alter personalities", or in common parlance - mind control.  Under US and international laws, "altering personalities" constitutes "torture".  Using illegal radiological weapons/devices on human beings implies intent to murder, in most US jurisdictions. (See Thornburgh v. US Department of Energy (2009), Thornburgh v. US Department of Defense (2006).) According to law enforcement, these devices, or weapons of mass destruction (as classified by the United Nations) are used for "target practice" ("law enforcement training purposes") on civilians.  Effects of these weapons/devices on public health (i.e. ongoing exposure to X-ray and electromagnetic radiation) are unknown to the general public.  Indeed, this is what DOD (under congressionally funded Project # 3022, costing taxpayers 45 million dollars per year) seeks to determine.  The project specifically studies the effects of these radiological weapons/devices on the most vulnerable in our society, pregnant women (seeking effects of radiation on fetuses) and the elderly.)  Several other human rights organizations, including the ACLU Technology and Civil Liberties division, has filed FOIA requests (ACLU v. NSA, et. al (2006)) requesting answers to the illegal use of these "brain scanning" technologies, et al on the human population by DOD, CIA, DOE, DHS, et al.  Frightenly, some suggest that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan provided opportunites to test these nonlethal technologies illegally on human beings (ADS Sherif weapon was/is used in Iraq and Afghanistan on defenseless civilians, including women and children).   Recently, the President of Afghanistan, after numerous killings of civilians, stated its concern of American's experimenting with this technology on its civilians.

Please sign this petition to Mr. Eric Holder, US Attorney General, and Mr. Tom Perez, US Department of Justice, Office of Civil Rights Division (and a former professor of mine at the University of Maryland School of Law) to immediately investigate this illegal and unconscionable use of these illegal weapons and devices on the human population, disclosing prior testing and the data showing the effects of these radiological weapons/devices on human health.

Lisa L. Thornburgh, JD
Human Rights Defender
Project Eidelweiss
95 Myers Circle
Mosheim, Tennessee 37818
and the following concerned citizens/civilians  less

Sunday, July 10, 2011


People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road, doesn't mean they've gotten lost. -Dalai Lama

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wheat and Gluten

For the past year I've been interested in studies about wheat and gluten.

Brain fog.

Lack of energy.

Sinking mood.


Lack of motivation.

The list goes on..
One of my favorite newfound articles is this one by cardiologist Dr. William Davis.

Monday, June 27, 2011


What's worse than having no money?
Making a little bit of money and having to give it all away.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I'm bored so I'll review these crappy little free games from

Ok first is CampFire Legends-The Babysitter.

This one was actually decent and I found myself looking forward to playing it. You're babysitting two rotten brats when someone calls on the phone and says "Get out!" Mysterious. Then you see muddy footprints. Oh Noez! The brats are missing and you foolishly follow the footprints to....? Decent twist on this plot, and seeing as it was a "Halloween Addition" I don't think they'll add any more good ones anytime soon.


Now there's Matchmaker-Joining Hearts.

You're an old woman who likes to spy on people, (Oops, I meant help!). You go through people's rooms and collect items. Then you repeat that with their crushes' homes. This game is pretty boring 1/5.

Matchmaker-Joining Hearts

Friday, June 17, 2011

Preying upon fear to gain greater power... again.

This shit is rediculous... If you haven't been clued in, here's some information.

My thoughts:
shut down parts or all of the internet should "a cyber attack capable of causing massive damage or loss of life” occur.
W...t....f? U won't die if someone hacks your ebay..... get real.

the only fear u should feel is from these goons trying to stomp your last liberties into the ground. this just pisses me off for some reason..

I mean that's what it looks like to me.. Fear of sickness=Vaccines. Fear of others=Terrorists are created. Consumerism=GMO. Indifference=Poisoned by formaldehyde, arsenic, and aluminum. STOP FUELING THIS DEATH TRAIN!!!!! Love/life/liberties>Police state/surveillance state/fascism. and by life I mean being content with existing life,, for every baby born another person is poisoned in a FEMA camp...

Sunday, June 5, 2011


This is an artificial sweetener most commonly found in diet sodas, but also found in pudding, gum, juice drinks, and many other products.

Aspartate and glutamate act as neurotransmitters in the brain by facilitating the transmission of information from neuron to neuron. Too much aspartate or glutamate in the brain kills certain neurons by allowing the influx of too much calcium into the cells. This influx triggers excessive amounts of free radicals, which kill the cells. The neural cell damage that can be caused by excessive aspartate and glutamate is why they are referred to as "excitotoxins." They "excite" or stimulate the neural cells to death.

Aspartic acid is an amino acid. Taken in its free form (unbound to proteins) it significantly raises the blood plasma level of aspartate and glutamate. The excess aspartate and glutamate in the blood plasma shortly after ingesting aspartame or products with free glutamic acid (glutamate precursor) leads to a high level of those neurotransmitters in certain areas of the brain.

The blood brain barrier (BBB), which normally protects the brain from excess glutamate and aspartate as well as toxins, 1) is not fully developed during childhood, 2) does not fully protect all areas of the brain, 3) is damaged by numerous chronic and acute conditions, and 4) allows seepage of excess glutamate and aspartate into the brain even when intact.

The excess glutamate and aspartate slowly begin to destroy neurons. The large majority (75 percent or more) of neural cells in a particular area of the brain are killed before any clinical symptoms of a chronic illness are noticed. A few of the many chronic illnesses that have been shown to be contributed to by long-term exposure to excitatory amino acid damage include:

blindness in one or both eyes
decreased vision and/or other eye problems such as:
blurring, bright flashes, squiggly lines, tunnel vision, decreased night vision
pain in one or both eyes
decreased tears
trouble with contact lenses
bulging eyes

tinnitus - ringing or buzzing sound
severe intolerance of noise
marked hearing impairment

epileptic seizures
head aches, migraines and (some severe) dizziness, unsteadiness, both confusion, memory loss, both
severe drowsiness and sleepiness
paresthesia or numbness of the limbs
severe slurring of speech
severe hyperactivity and restless leg
satypical facial pain
severe tremors

severe depression
personality changes

palpitations, tachycardia
shortness of breath
recent high blood pressure

diarrhea, sometimes with blood in stools
abdominal pain when swallowing

Skin and Allergies
itching without a rash
lip and mouth reaction
aggravated respiratory allergies such as asthma

Endocrine and Metabolic
loss of control of diabetes
menstrual changes
marked thinning or loss of hair
marked weight loss
gradual weight gain
aggravated low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
severe PMS

frequency of voiding and burning during urination
excessive thirst, fluid retention, leg swelling, and bloating
increased susceptibility to infection

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Prius.. I fell for you again

Prius OBT doesn't work on my computer. I click Start and nothing happens. Is this what it feels like to be a test experiment? Mitsue played and Momma Kitty cleaned and played after working a good day, and that's all that matters...... for the moment.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Prius OBT July 2nd

I cannot wait! Finally ^_^ Too bad I am working on that day, but when I get home I will be playing :)

I just wonder what she will think of it?

Food That Kills - Part 1 of 6 -

Food That Kills - Part 1 of 6 -

Mafia Wars

34.) Best Items in the game for defense
  • Gaff Hook – 30 defense – “Pillage a Shipyard” job in the El Jefe tier in Cuba.
  • Guerrilla Squad – 34 defense – “Supply the FRG with Some Extra Muscle” job in the El Padrino tier in Cuba
  • Armored State Car – 38 defense – “Storm the Presidential Palace” job in the El Padrino tier in Cuba.
  • Private Jet – 38 Defense – Dropped from jobs and fights
New York Equipment
52.) Chain Gun – Since you can buy them early fill your inventory as soon as you can.
New York Weapons
53.) Body Armor – Not the greatest but beats a pinstriped suit. Most loot is better so switch it out when you can.
54.) Town Cars – +22 and there is an achievement for owning 500.
Cuban Equipment
55.) New York weapons are better than Cuban weapons at this time.
56.) Rebel Sniper armor it is +42 but increases the bribe penalty by 0.5% up to 80% max.
57.) Commercial Helicopter – Dump the town cars and replace them with these.

MW items you need 501 of
58.) TNT – 42 attack, 20 Defense – found in the job :”Raid the Arms Depot”, Cuban

59.) Guerrilla Squad – 34 Attack, 30 Defense – found in “Supply the FRG with Some Extra Muscle”, Cuban
60.) Armored State Car – 30 Attack, 38 Defense – found in “Storm the Presidential Palace”, Cuban

Halfway decept equip
  • Aguila HV .50 Sniper Rifle +56
  • AR-15 +42
  • ASC45 “Conquistador” +54
  • Cane Knife +46
  • Gaff Hook +50
  • M16A1 +42
  • Para 322 +48
  • RA-92 +40
  • Ru-38 Pistol +44
Armor (+45 -+63)
  • Hu-9 Helicopter +63
  • Si-14 Cargo Plane +62
  • Mini-Sub +55
  • Cigarette Boat +52
  • Armored Limousine +52
  • Montaine 320 +50
  • Private Jet +50
  • Police Cruiser +50
  • Humvee +48
  • Camouflage Body Armor +46
  • Ocelot Armored Truck +46
  • Chucho FAV +45
The mafia is organized crime with heavy emphasis on “organized.” Mafia wars is no different. In order for your family to operate smoothly you must put the top people in the
Top Mafia Slots
85.) Mastermind
Bonus Applied to: Experience From Jobs
Maximum Bonus: 11%
Type of Character: Any
Based on: Number of Completed Jobs
Number needed for Maximum Benefit:  14,999+
86.) Wheelman
Bonus Applied to: Reduction in Energy cost for jobs
Maximum Bonus: 11%
Type of Character: Fearless
Based on: Level
Number needed for Maximum Benefit: 299+
87.) Button Man
Bonus Applied to: Attack Power
Maximum Bonus: 11
Type of Character: Maniac
Based on: Level
Number needed for Maximum Benefit: 299+
88.) Bodyguard
Bonus Applied to: Defensive Power
Maximum Bonus: 11
Type of Character: Any
Based on: Number of Fights Won
Number needed for Maximum Benefit: 49,999+

89.) Safecracker

Bonus Applied to: Cash Generated from Fighting and Robbing
Maximum Bonus: 15%
Type of Character: Any
Based on: Number of Successful Heists
Number needed for Maximum Benefit: 49,999
90.) Bagman
Bonus Applied to: Cash Generated from Jobs
Maximum Bonus: 15%
Type of Character: Mogul
Based on: Character Level
Number needed for Maximum Benefit: 299+

Godfather Points
You should only be using Godfather points for 2 ..well maybe 3 things.
91.) Don’t waste Godfather points on crates of loot. The stuff is not that great and you can find better by doing jobs.
92.) Don’t waste points on energy refils, the +4 skill points are much better in the long run.
93.) Use Godfather points for 4 skill point upgrade when needed. Points are better than loot hands down.
94.) You can use points to change your name it the cops get too close. Or just for a change of pace.

General Tips

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Mercury is already a known neurotoxin that causes cancer, damages DNA, alters proper embryonic development, and disrupts the immune system, but researchers at the University of Brazil recently released a study showing that mercury also causes serious brain damage, and is linked to autism and other developmental diseases in children and Alzheimer's disease in adults ( ...).

(‎'Recently Released Study' as in, there are tons of previous studies to back this information up.)

Hopefully this will come more to light, if they let it.

How They Fake Terrorism -- Manufactured Fear I - Final Draft

Monday, May 16, 2011

Do you want to be healthy?

What Happens to your body within an hour of drinking a Coke !
Drinking soda is bad for your health in so many ways; science can't even state all the consequences. Here's what happens in your body when you assault it with a Coke:
Within the first 10 minutes:
10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. This is 100 percent of your recommended daily intake, and the only reason you don't vomit as a result of the overwhelming sweetness is because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor.
Within 20 minutes:
Your blood sugar spikes, and your liver responds to the resulting insulin burst by turning massive amounts of sugar into fat.
Withing 40 minutes:
Caffeine absorption is complete; your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, and your liver dumps more sugar into your boodstream.
Around 45 minutes:
Your body increases dopamine production, which stimulates the pleasure centers of your brain - a physically identical response to that of heroin, by the way.
After 60 minutes:
You'll start to have a sugar crash.
Source: Nutrition Research Center October 24, 2007

Mercola Natural Health

This guy is great! He provides the most up to date independent natural health information that will benefit you. He doesn't focus on the prescription pill fix, he focuses on real solutions and prevention advice. He's an ostopathic physician, meaning he can prescribe medication and perform surgery in all 50 states. Osteopathic physicians practice a "whole person" approach, treating the entire person rather than just symptoms. I find his articles very informative. Osteopathic physicians practice a "whole person" approach, treating the entire person rather than just symptoms. His articles are well written and easily to comprehend. He has a wealth of information, including videos and articles at

Sunday, May 15, 2011



I've been playing the RIFT 7-day trial until Prius comes out, they just finished OBT. RIFT is pretty decent, though I have doubts on if I'll continue a paid trial.
What's bad ass about RIFT? Well I highly enjoy the machines and time portals. The beginning walkthrough with the war theme kept my attention throughout gameplay. Graphics are just a 3 star, good enough to enjoy the game. Group-oriented rifts are bad ass, a boss comes through and it's a big battle. I havn't had to rely on other players to play yet, and you can choose PvE over PvP. So this will keep me busy for a week, may the end of the month come soon! :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bruce Willis to star in Looper

The movie Looper is an upcoming science-fiction film directed by Rian Johnson. Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon-Levitt play the same character at different points in time. The film is set in the near future before time travel exists. An even farther future crime syndicate sends its intended victims back in time to be killed and disposed of. Complications set in from there.

Why the United States Is Destroying Its Education System

The truly educated become conscious. They become self-aware. They do not lie to themselves. They do not pretend that fraud is moral or that corporate greed is good. They do not claim that the demands of the marketplace can morally justify the hunger of children or denial of medical care to the sick. They do not throw 6 million families from their homes as the cost of doing business. Thought is a dialogue with one’s inner self. Those who think ask questions, questions those in authority do not want asked. They remember who we are, where we come from and where we should go. They remain eternally skeptical and distrustful of power. And they know that this moral independence is the only protection from the radical evil that results from collective unconsciousness. The capacity to think is the only bulwark against any centralized authority that seeks to impose mindless obedience. There is a huge difference, as Socrates understood, between teaching people what to think and teaching them how to think. Those who are endowed with a moral conscience refuse to commit crimes, even those sanctioned by the corporate state, because they do not in the end want to live with criminals—themselves.

Those who can ask the right questions are armed with the capacity to make a moral choice, to defend the good in the face of outside pressure. And this is why the philosopher Immanuel Kant puts the duties we have to ourselves before the duties we have to others. The standard for Kant is not the biblical idea of self-love—love thy neighbor as thyself, do unto others as you would have them do unto you—but self-respect. What brings us meaning and worth as human beings is our ability to stand up and pit ourselves against injustice and the vast, moral indifference of the universe. Once justice perishes, as Kant knew, life loses all meaning. Those who meekly obey laws and rules imposed from the outside—including religious laws—are not moral human beings. The fulfillment of an imposed law is morally neutral. The truly educated make their own wills serve the higher call of justice, empathy and reason. Socrates made the same argument when he said it is better to suffer wrong than to do wrong.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Fluoride Deception... in your tap water.

see book "FLUORIDE THE DEVILS POISON", HIGER the Dose of FLUORIDE different effects on BRAIN, Soldiers get High Dose Called SoftPeter, General Patton Refused to give it to His Soldiers, People React Different to DRUGS, CHEMICALS, make sure You watch all the FILMS at, New World Order (NWO) plan started 1526 Crypto jews now called Zionist started and still Control JESUITS, see Jesuit Infiltration, see Operation paper Clip" 1945 started adding Fluoride to water, 1954 Krecheive we will take America without fireing a Shot, Stole American Money system see film FIAT EMPIRE" use digitized Hypnotic TV releases Endorfins, and Media make You beleive what they wont you to beleive, Watch the whole film at, If you watch it close you can PAUSE and read Secret Documents that have been DE Classified, they knew about the harm adding Fluoride to water would cause, at the Same time Dr. Hodge was telling people it was safe to drink Fluoride He was Participating in the Manhattan Project, they also used the MASTER of DECEPTION Edward Bernays to sell this LIE to the American people, Bernays was used to Help over throw a Guteamelain Leader an put in a TYRANT that MURDERED over 100,000 Innocent Men Women and Children, Drinking the DRUG, CHEMICAL, and POISON Fluoride = main ingredient in NERVE GAS BOMBS, Rat POISON, INSECT KILLER, is doing more damage to the Human Body and Brain than everything else in America combined, its outlawed by all the Countries that are a Member of the European Union, Take Magnesium befoe each meal, Purify the water you drink and cook with, You need to spend 5 or 6 Quality Hours with your Whole Family read the SCIENTIFIC STUDIES, watch the 20 little Films at and FluorideAction, this is MASS MIND control it evolved from "code name ArtiChoke" Sold by Edward Bernays, and the People behind it are World BANKERS and CORPORATIONS see Fiat Empire

The Gullible Mind Explained

This is a great article from Natural News called The Gullible Mind Explained. Love it!!

(NaturalNews) In light of the string of the blatant falsehoods being announced by the U.S. government these days (FDA, DHS, White House, etc.) it's interesting that so many people still believe whatever they are told by "official" sources. It brings up the question of the functioning of their brains: How could a person swallow official information so gullibly and so completely without even asking commonsense questions about the reliability or factual basis of that information?

These people, it turns out, are operating from what I called The Gullible Mind. It is a psychological processing malfunction that filters out
information based on its source rather than its integrity. People who operate from The Gullible Mind tend to have misplaced trust in governments, institutions, mainstream news networks, doctors, scientists or anyone who wears the garb of apparent authority.

Whereas a normal, intelligent person would raise commonsense questions about information they receive from all sources, the Gullible Mind wholly accepts virtually any information from sources that occupy the role of apparent authority in society.

Governments never lie

But how does this work inside their heads? It's an interesting process. Gullible Mind people do believe it is possible for a government (or institution) to lie; but they believe that governments, institutions and doctors choose NOT to lie even when it would serve their own self interests to do so.

Follow this carefully, because this is the fascinating part. These Gullible Mind people effectively believe that even though a government official could lie about something, they would never actually do so. And why wouldn't they? Because, ultimately, the Gullible Mind crowd believes that governments, institutions and mainstream media outlets operate from a sort of honor code. So even if it were in the interests of our own government to lie to us, it would never happen because that would violate this imaginary honor code.

Where does this honor code exist? Where is it written down? Nowhere, of course. It is imaginary. But to The Gullible Mind, it seems real. Interestingly, even though this "honor code" only exists in the imagination of The Gullible Mind person, they
project this honor code onto sources of authority, imagining that they abide by it.

Extreme gullibility

This is how The Gullible Mind person believes that network news always reports the truth. The news networks have a sense of "honor," they believe, and this sense of honor requires them to always report the truth and never manipulate the news for any nefarious purposes. So news networks never "shape" the news and they only report what is factually true without any consideration whatsoever of politics or advertiser profits.

This view of the world is, of course, laughably naive. And yet it is the core belief system of at least half the
population -- the Gullible Mind half that believes everything it is told by its own government, media or authority figures.

Interestingly, the Gullible Mind is also inwardly gullible because it does not recognize its own gullibility. Instead, it believes it is operating as a Rational Mind. This false Rational Mind believes it functions as a critical filter of incoming information, but even this is self deception. In truth, this false Rational Mind is on "auto filter" so that it filters out any information that conflicts with the information it is receiving from official sources.

This is the key to understanding the Gullible Mind -- it isn't the quality of the information itself that matters; it is the confirmation of the story from official sources that "makes it real" in the Gullible Mind.

The Easter Bunny killed Bin Laden!

For example, let's say a Gullible Mind person comes across an announcement that says the Easter Bunny has killed Osama Bin Laden. The report claims that colored eggs were found near Bin Laden's body, and there was evidence of feathers being left at the scene, which proves the Easter Bunny was there.

Now, an intelligent, rational mind would have a lot of questions about this. For starters, rabbits don't have feathers. And the Easter Bunny is a piece of fiction, too. On top of that, how could the Easter Bunny kill Osama Bin Laden? An intelligent person would, upon reviewing the holes in the story, be forced to conclude the story is fiction. The only logical conclusion from that is that the government is lying to them.

A Gullible Mind person, however, would not ask whether rabbits have feathers, or whether the Easter Bunny is capable of conducting a
military raid. Instead, the Gullible Mind person would first look to other confirming news sources in order to determine the reliability of the story. They would turn on the TV or surf the internet, looking for the news to be repeated through "official" sources.

Once they found CNN, or Fox News, or some other "official" source reporting that the Easter Bunny killed Osama Bin Laden, then that news report would instantly become "real" in their minds. Suddenly it has shifted from their mental processing queue to the "absolutely truth" part of their
brain, and from that point forward, no one can question that reality in their heads.

Don't bother arguing with a Gullible Mind - they are immune to facts

At this point, their rational mind is completely shut off on the topic. No accumulation of facts can, at that point, rattle their "reality." For example, a person who believes the government's story of 9/11 has already embraced the Easter Bunny version of terrorists flying airplanes into the World Trade Center towers. So how did this act cause the WTC 7 building to collapse in a demolition-style free-fall a few hours later, when WTC 7 was never struck by airplanes? How can a steel and concrete building suddenly and magically collapse in perfect structural synchronicity merely from being on fire?

The answers don't matter to The Gullible Mind, you see. There is no room for facts inside their heads, because all the space has been taken up with what is essentially a cult-like belief in institutions of authority.

We saw this in the Heaven's Gate cult in California a few years back. The leader of that cult, a man named Applegate, positioned himself as the one and only source of authoritative information among the cult followers. So HE became the authoritative source whose information was wholly accepted without questioning or skepticism of any kind. At that point, he was able to quite easily convince his followers that an alien race was going to land a UFO on the far side of a comet, and that if they killed themselves, they would be transported onto the alien ship (or something like that).

The belief in such a story may seem silly... until you realize that the governments of the world use the exact same cult-like tactics to get their own "followers" to believe everything they say, without question. So if President
Obama announced that an alien race was going to land a mother ship on the White House lawn, and that people who voted for him would have their consciousness transferred to an immortal alien body, the remarkable truth is that millions of people would believe that. Perhaps tens of millions. They would even worship him as an interstellar saint.

Remember Orson Welles'
radio program that announced aliens had invaded the Earth and were destroying our cities? ( Huge numbers of people believed it was really happening... and not because it made any sense, but because the information came from the source they trusted. To those people, the alien invasion was just as real back then as Bin Laden's official death is to government followers today.

Throughout history, many conspiracy theories have turned out to be true

Government lying, of course, has been going on for as long as governments have existed. Not all conspiracies theories are true, of course, but so many of them turn out to be true that the idea of "not believing" in conspiracies makes no rational sense.

To not believe in conspiracies means you don't believe two people have ever sat down and plotted to take advantage of others in some unethical and deceptive way. Well gee, that describes virtually every board meeting of every large
corporation in the world! Conspiracies are not just commonplace; they're practically synonymous with modern-day capitalism! Even right now, Apple is being accused of a conspiracy to keep employee wages artificially low:

I wonder: Do the Gullible Mind people also not believe in that conspiracy theory? Are all conspiracy theories automatically tossed out merely because of the word "conspiracy?"

For those who don't know their
history, here's a list of 33 conspiracy theories that turned out to be true:

The Manhattan Project, of course, was a secret government conspiracy. The Tuskegee Syphilis experiments on African Americans was a secret medical conspiracy. Operation Northwoods was a conspiracy plot to create support for a war on Castro by staging terrorism events in U.S. cities.

These are all historical facts. They are indisputable. But to The Gullible Mind, none of this history exists. What's real is only what they are being told right now by the White House. When George Bush occupied the White House, the daily fibs were things like, "The Iraqis want us to occupy their land with military personnel because we are setting them free!" Oh yeah, that's a bit of twisted logic, for sure. But it's no different from Obama's version of the war fairytales, which includes such gems as, "We're only dropping humanitarian bombs on Libya." Or, "It's not actually war. It's only kinetic military action."

But you see, it makes no difference whether anything they say is actually true... at least not to The Gullible Mind, which believes there is no such thing as a conspiracy theory. There is no such thing as a nefarious government, either. Heck, when Columbus landed in the New World, his entire crew shared
food and wine with the Native American Indians, we're told. There was no raping, no murder, no genocide. That's why we continue to celebrate Columbus Day every year! Because the Gullible Mind wants a reason to get off work for a day, even if it requires a complete revision of actual historical facts.

The most popular issues of Gullible Mind people

Vaccines are good for you - Vaccines are "safe and effective" merely because doctors and the CDC say they are, not because of any reliable scientific evidence.

The economy is in great shape - Gullible Mind people are easily influenced to stop thinking about the $14 trillion national debt that's growing by the day and simply go along with whatever economic fictions are being woven in

Governments and corporations are looking out for your best interests - The drug
companies only want to find cures and make everybody healthy. The government is here to help. We should all stop asking questions and just do what we're told.

Nothing will ever run out - There's no such thing as Peak Oil. Our world can continue its throwaway economy without end, they believe. We'll never run out of gas, water, soil or
natural resources. Keep using stuff up and throwing it all away!

Food additives are good for you - Otherwise,
the FDA wouldn't have approved them, would they?

There's no such thing as a cure for cancer - The ultimate pessimists, the Gullible Mind crowd believes cancer has never been cured! And if a cancer
cure did exist, we would know about it by now, right? (Because our scientists already know everything that's worth knowing, you see...)

There are no other non-terrestrial civilizations or beings in our universe - Amazingly, we are the only intelligent forms of
life that have ever existed, they believe. Any talk of non-Earth intelligence is just a bunch of "fringe" nonsense. There was never any life on Mars, either.

Herbs and plants have no medicinal value - That's right, only conventional medicine can "treat" you, because that's what the doctors say. Herbs and plants have zero biological value beyond their calories alone, they insist.

... and on it goes, one delusion after another. A Gullible Mind, it seems, will believe almost anything if it comes from a "trusted" source. But that same Gullible Mind will discount straight-up facts if they don't come from those same trusted sources.

How to stop being a Gullible Mind

Interestingly, most of the people who are intelligent, skeptical thinkers today used to be Gullible Mind people at one time or another. There was a point where they simply "awakened" and began to consciously question the world around them.

Intelligent, informed
skeptics are the people asking questions like:

• Why do twenty different mainstream news sources all report the exact same news, using the exact same words, on the exact same day? ( If they were all investigating and writing their own news, wouldn't their news be different?

• Why did Wall Street get a multi-trillion-dollar bailout from Washington while the American people are still required to pay taxes that involve sending money to Washington? If Washington can just magically create a trillion dollars overnight, why do we pay taxes, then?

• Why does the USDA now actively conspire with GMO seed companies to keep approving genetically modified seeds even without any scientific evidence of their long-term safety?

• If
mercury is one of the most toxic substances known to modern science, why is it still being deliberately placed into the mouths of children in the form of "silver" fillings? And why are they called "silver" when they actually contain more mercury than silver?

• Where does the
fluoride used to fluoridate the public water supplies really come from? ( And if fluoride is so good for people, then why is it so hazardous to handle, and why is it considered a hazardous chemical by the EPA?

• What really happened on 9/11? How did WTC 7 collapse if it was never hit by any airplanes? Why did they sweep away the rubble before a proper forensic analysis could be performed?

• Are
vaccines really safe? Where's the study comparing vaccinated children with non-vaccinated children? Why won't the vaccine industry allow such studies to be conducted?

• Why does the cancer industry seem a lot more interested in treating cancer and recruiting cancer patients than actually curing cancer and ending the epidemic? Why does the industry refuse to talk about cancer-causing chemicals or the anti-cancer effects of vitamin D?

• Why are toxic
food additives still allowed in the food supply? What's the real story on aspartame and the FDA? Why did the FDA oppress stevia for so many decades?

• Why is the medical police state now using guns to force parents to medicate their children? In what kind of medical system is it necessary to use the threat of violence to force compliance?

• Why did Clinton bomb the Sudan in the middle of the Monica Lewinsky crisis? Why did Obama suddenly announce the death of Bin Laden in the middle of his "birther" crisis?

• Why do we still have the DEA's "War on Drugs," especially since there is ample evidence that the war is a total failure that only increases the prison population while actually enriching the
drug gangs with higher street prices?

• Why is
the TSA still reaching down our pants at the airports if Bin Laden is now dead? Wasn't he the whole reason we created the TSA and hired on those 60,000 security agents in the first place? (

An intelligent, skeptical thinker would ask these questions (and many more) as a natural course of basic human curiosity. But a Gullible Mind, attacks the questioner for even daring to ask such questions.

Who are some of the awakened people?

That's why the Gullible Mind is more than merely gullible: It is a cowardly mind. It is afraid to ask questions on its own, and it simultaneously attacks those who have the courage to stand up and actually ask those questions (like Jesse Ventura).

Most members of the conventional press are, of course, cowardly minds. They almost universally buy the corporate spin (or the White House spin) and never ask any tough questions anymore. Some of the REAL heroes -- the people who are asking intelligent questions about our world -- include:

Alex Jones
Jeff Rense
Charlotte Gerson
Jonathan Landsman
David Icke
Jesse Ventura
Gerald Celente
Ron Paul
Robert Scott Bell
Dr. Andrew Wakefield
Suzanne Somers
Dr. James Forsythe
George Noorey

Do you see a pattern here? Each one of these individuals has been marginalized or viciously attacked and slandered simply because they chose to ask intelligent questions about the world around them. Now, I don't agree with every single thing said by each one of these people, but I admire each of them for having the courage to ask the questions that need to be asked if we are to move forward as a society (and civilization).

These kind of people represent the complete opposite of The Gullible Mind. They are, instead, the "true skeptics" of the world. The reason they are viciously attacked is because our world is so steeped in deceit and conspiracy that only Gullible Minds are tolerated. Those who question the status quo are not merely annoying to the powers that be, but actually dangerous because the most dangerous activity in which you can engage today is helping others awaken to what's really happening around them.

It is that "awakening" that is so utterly despised by the web of corporations, governments and media lackeys that they will do everything in their
power to prevent any sort of awakening from taking place at all. The functioning of the Matrix, after all, depends on people believing in the illusion.

And it is so much easier to govern, of course, if people just believe whatever you tell them. Gullible Minds make great voters and willing slaves. But lousy company.

Learn more:

Sunday, May 8, 2011

"They're dumb"

I love how some people love to call other people dumb and seem to get some unhealthy personal satisfaction from it. Do you have the ability to measure intelligence inside of ones' head, oh wise one? Go swim in a pit full of sharks, where you might feel more at home with similar bloodthirsty predators... Some "dumb" people would surprise you if you actually knew them. As faulty humans we base judgements on other peoples' actions, how someone talks.. how someone looks.. the path that they have chosen in life...... it may be good advice to get your personal satisfaction from somewhere else, perhaps maybe learning, or getting to know people personally first? Grow up..

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Vaccine Ingredients

Check out this list of vaccine ingredients, from

Some of the odd ingredients include Bovine Extract, Gelatin, Monkey Kidney Tissue, Insect Cell Protein, Chick Kidney Cells, Mouse Serum Protein, Formaldehyde, Thimerisol (Linked to Autism), Fetal Bovine Serum, and Monkey Kidney Cells.

Vaccines- Russian Roulette

First off, I do agree that medicines and vaccines have saved many people, but with anything, there is a dark side. You must take into consideration that the mercury (thimerisol) in certain vaccines completely destroys the brain. Also, a healthy infant must be 250 pounds in order to safely get the thimerisol out of their body. Below I am going to post some important information, and some shocking ingredients that are found in certain vaccines.

"The article in the Journal of Immunotoxicology is entitled 'Theoretical aspects of autism: Causes--A review.' The author is Helen Ratajczak, surprisingly herself a former senior scientist at a pharmaceutical firm. Ratajczak did what nobody else apparently has bothered to do: she reviewed the body of published science since autism was first described in 1943. Not just one theory suggested by research such as the role of MMR shots, or the mercury preservative thimerosal; but all of them.
Ratajczak's article states, in part, that "Documented causes of autism include genetic mutations and/or deletions, viral infections, and encephalitis [brain damage] following vaccination [emphasis added]. Therefore, autism is the result of genetic defects and/or inflammation of the brain." ...

Vaccines are being propped up by financial interests and political power but as the side effects they cause (including predictable deaths) mount up, that prop is inadequate to hide a medical reality that vaccines are failing.  One need only look at a short list of references on vaccines showing they are causing the diseases they are purported to prevent and are generating additional diseases, to recognize something is fundamentally wrong.

At this point, questions are being asked about the faulty science of bypassing the body's immune defense system to inject foreign protein into people, something the body must reject.  The body, after vaccination, would be left  futilely attacking itself to rid itself of those injected foreign proteins and substances, things that could never have gotten past the body's protective defenses except via insertion by vaccines.

"Many viral infectious diseases have been cured and can continue to be cured by the proper administration of Vitamin C.  Yes, the vaccinations for these treatable infectious diseases are completely unnecessary when one has  the access to proper treatment with vitamin C.  And, yes, all the side effects of vaccinations...are also completely unnecessary since the vaccinations do not have to be given in the first place with the availability of properly dosed vitamin C."---Dr Thomas Levy M.D., J.D. (Vitamin C,  Infectious Diseases and Toxins p30)

Given studies over 75 years to back up IV vitamin C cures of the very infectious diseases for which vaccines have been promoted, the logic becomes inescapable - vaccines are medically obsolete.